Redirect old aspx to new MVC

I upgraded to be ASP.NET MVC and one of the problem is the old pages are indexed by search engines and being served on search results. So I have the old *.aspx page that I need to fix up and send along to the MVC page.

An example of the page in the search database;

And I need it to go to the new MVC controller and action like this;

So I did it this way, I put this in the Global.aspx.cs file;

        protected void Application_BeginRequest (object sender, EventArgs e)
            var requestUrl = Request.Url.ToString().ToLower();
            if (requestUrl.Contains("/viewdvd.aspx"))
                var equalPos = requestUrl.LastIndexOf("=") + 1;
                var upc= requestUrl.Substring(equalPos, requestUrl.Length - equalPos);
                Context.Response.StatusCode = 301;
                Context.Response.Redirect("/Media/Detail/" + upc);

Probably not the most elegant, but it does work.


3 thoughts on “Redirect old aspx to new MVC”

  1. Is there any reason why you didnt do:

    if (Request.Path.Contains(“/viewdvd.aspx”)) {
    Response.Redirect(“/Media/Detail/” + Request.QueryString[“upc”]);

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