First security steps when setting up any new internet facing linux server:
- Create a new user account
- # adduser username
- # passwd username
- # usermod -aG wheel username
- Send SSH key
- scp username@hostname:/home/username/
- $ mkdir ~/.ssh
- $ cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- $ chmod 700 ~/.ssh
- $ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- Ensure SSH key authentication works
- Disconnect and then reconnect, you should get prompted for your private key password not your server password (you did provide a password for your private key, right?!)
- Do not disable “PasswordAuthentication” option below unless you are positive you are authentication SSH via keys – you will be locked out of your server and no longer able to SSH in.
- Disable Root SSH, Set Protocol 2 and Password SSH
- $ sudo yum install -y nano
- $ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- PermitRootLogin no
- Protocol 2
- PasswordAuthentication no
- $ sudo service sshd restart
- Ensure you can still SSH back into the box using your key only.
- Update packages
- $ sudo yum upgrade
- Reboot
- $ sudo reboot