Category Archives: Uncategorized

Apple Development

Decided I would be adventurous and try to develop something for the iPod + iTouch and make millions and live the life of a pimp daddy – or something like that.

So off I adventure to figure out what it takes to develop an application, get the application to the Apple store and be able to cash the checks from Apple.

Seems this task is its own hellish task. The Apple SDK is only designed to work on a Macintosh machine, so that’s problem #1 for me.

The Apple SDKis $100, not horrible but why? I guess this is just to ensure (presumably) that the people developing apps for the Apple store are serious? Seems to me that Apple would just give the damn SDK away – they already require that you have a Apple Macintosh OS to develop for it anyhow.

Then it seems that Apple (for whatever damn reason) decided to use Objective-C for their SDK, not C++ or even C, yes Objective-C. As a non Apple fanboy I don’t get why on earth they wouldn’t just use something that the rest of the development world uses – ie; C++.

So my first task down this journey will be to figure out if I can get OSX86 working on a standard PC. Yay!

Upgrade of Vista to Windows 7

Well I had a wild hair thinking that I could recover some RAM usage by upgrading from my current Windows Vista Ultimate to the Windows 7 RC1 (Build 7100). Why not I figured if it blows up then I will just whack it all and re-install Vista anyhow.

My machine is a Q6600 (Quad 2.4 Ghz) with 6GB of RAM. With just Vista at a cold boot it consumes 2.2GB of RAM!;vista_64_mem_usage

I thought for sure that upgrading to the latest Windows 7 RC1 would lower the memory usage. But after the upgrade (which took about 2 hours, blah) I still have 1.25GB of RAM being used by just the OS.

One really has to wonder what the hell Windows is doing with all that friggin’ RAM. I mean seriously over a gigabyte of RAM? I dual-boot into Ubuntu 9.0.4 and its using 250MB of RAM to the desktop. Really makes you wonder.

TraceListener and writing to a listbox with EventHandler

So say you want to have a Trace listener setup to listen for any Trace outputs and you would like to take the Trace Write outputs and put that into a listbox.

This shows you how to setup a custom eventargs, custom TraceListner and then add the custom Trace listener to add messages received to a listbox.

Make a new custom EventArgs like this:

[code:c#]    public class EventListenerArgs : EventArgs
        private string _message;

        public string Message

            get { return _message; }
            set { _message = value; }

        public EventListenerArgs(string Message)
            this.Message = Message;

Then setup a custom TraceListner that implements the EventListener above like this;

[code:c#]    public class EventFiringListener : TraceListener
        public event EventHandler<EventListenerArgs> WriteEvent;

        public override void WriteLine(string message)
            EventHandler<EventListenerArgs> temp = WriteEvent;
            if (temp != null)
                temp(this, new EventListenerArgs(message));


        public override void Write(string s)
            EventHandler<EventListenerArgs> temp = WriteEvent;
            if (temp != null)
                temp(this, new EventListenerArgs(s));



Then in your form (where you have the listbox) create the custom TraceListener and add it to the TraceListener collections;


EventFiringListener listener = new EventFiringListener();
listener.WriteEvent += new EventHandler<EventListenerArgs>(listener_WriteEvent);[/code]

And the method event could look like this;

[code:c#]        void listener_WriteEvent(object sender, EventListenerArgs e)



Subsonic Delete Example

Subsonic seems to be really all that for DAL (Data Access Layer). In this example I have a table named “DvdNote” that a struct was generated by the Subsonic SubCommander tool.

Example on how to perform a delete statement;

[code:c#]                    SubSonic.Query qryDelete = new SubSonic.Query(DvdNote.Schema);
qryDelete.QueryType = SubSonic.QueryType.Delete;
qryDelete.WHERE(DvdNote.Columns.DvdnotePkid, this.Identity);


Syntax highlighting, ftw! Hurrah!

Subsonic Simple Select and IDataReader Magic

Simple code snippet on using Subsonic Query for selecting data back.


SubSonic.Query qry = new SubSonic.Query(Usr.Schema);
qry.QueryType = SubSonic.QueryType.Select;
qry.AddWhere(Usr.UsernameColumn.ColumnName, SubSonic.Comparison.Equals, Username);

using (IDataReader reader = qry.ExecuteReader())
    while (reader.Read())
        userpkid = long.Parse(reader[Usr.Columns.UserPkid].ToString());


Javascript Model Window Wont Fire Page_Load

I have a page that fires a popup window and in that popup window I have some logic that I need to perform in the Page_Load.

Works great the first time as the popup window gets created, the problem is each subsequent call does not fire the Page_Load event. This is because the form is still in memory and has not disposed.

So the secret to making the form go away on close code like this;


        // a script to be run in client-side
        string scriptStr = “<script>window.close();</script>”;

        // send the script to output stream
        ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), “closing”, scriptStr);


On the ASPX page put this as the very first line (as in line #1);

[code:html]<% Response.Expires = -1;%>[/code]



Secret sauce for Nice Looking GridView

Here is the ingredients for making the Datagrid view have a nice mouse rollover to change colors.


protected void gv_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
    if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
        e.Row.Attributes.Add(“onmouseover”, “’pointer’;;’#EEFF00′”);
        e.Row.Attributes[“onclick”] = ClientScript.GetPostBackClientHyperlink(this.gv, “Select$” + e.Row.RowIndex);


So yellow when the mouse is pointing at the row then back to whatever it was before the mouse was when the mouse leaves.


Neat, Quick Debug to Console Output

A very easy wayt to get Debug output for your debugging purposes:


  • Add the ‘System.Diagnostics’ using statement to the class.
  • use the ‘Debug.WriteLine(“Batman is totally kick butt”);’ syntax to send debug signals to any listeners
  • Add a Debug listener to your tester app; 

[code:c#]TextWriterTraceListener myWriter = new TextWriterTraceListener(System.Console.Out);
